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Our Vision

At Atlantis Positive Behavior Services, our vision is to increase the quality of life for all of those who we serve. Our individualized services are always compassionate and empathetic, as we look to meet our clients exactly where they are in life.  We take our time with each individual family, recognizing their wants and needs, barriers, experiences, and goals.  Our ethical approach utilizes research-based ABA practices that our families will find reliable and transparent.  Overall, we look to make a meaningful difference in our community.

Our Values

Our Core Operating Values

​At APBS, we CREATE an environment of compassionate, reliable, and ethical service that is authentic and transparent and strive to consistently be empathetic to the needs of our clients, families, and employees. The following core operating values guide the culture of APBS to be an effective human services agency serving a broad range of individuals and families.

  • Compassionate - we have a sympathetic and understanding drive to assist with the needs of others  

  • Reliable - being predictable in our dependability while ensuring that we follow-through with our interventions, commitments, training, and support.

  • Ethical - following the moral principles of our practice as established by the BACB, and our personal experiences and life views

  • Authentic - presenting ourselves as providers who are always our genuine, true selves 

  • Transparent -  openly presenting our our plans and operations in an easy to understand manner

  • Empathetic-  we are sensitive to the emotions of others by always giving our full attention and being genuinely interested in any information shared

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